Nirodha in the New Year

In 2016 may we all move closer to Nirodha, the continual state of divine awareness Shyamdas described as follows in Inner Goddess: Nirodha is defined in yogic literature as restraining the tendencies of the wandering senses through the practice of yoga. The nirodha that arose in Vrindavan, however, was not achieved through practice; it was a matter of God’s grace. It occurred when the Gopis became so attached to Hari that they simply forgot the false world. It created for them endless connections with Hari everywhere. In this way, Shri Krishna bound the Gopis into His reality.

Thanks to your generous support, we were able to offer prasad (blessed foods) to pilgrims at the Govardhan Hill on this year’s full moon Christmas Day! Our esteemed guests Janaki (pictured with a sacred cow) and Simha (photo and video credits) were able to participate and enjoyed the scene very much. It got a little intense for a moment there, as you can see in this video. People clearly love prasad!

Janaki Christmas cow prasad

Jatipura turban prasad

If inspired to share prasad with others please do consider supporting this prasad project.

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